Order & Shipping


We accept payment by major banks in Singapore like DBS or UOB.

Inter-bank funds transfer can be made via ATM machines or Internet Banking. 


How To Purchase

We will need you to inform us via email of the following information and send it to: jp-momo@hotmail.com to help us expedite your purchases in the following format:

* Name
* Item you would like to purchase
* Size
* Address
* Bank that you will be making the payment from

We'll respond to you via email with our bank account’s number, the stock availability and confirmation of the total purchase amount and delivery address. Once payment is made, kindly email us back with the transaction details. 


Local Orders

For local addresses, please allow 2-3 working days for shipping. We would love to meet our customers up but due to our hectic schedule, we have to give it a miss.
Cost and available postage service is as follows:

Normal Postage: $1.50 (the snail mail way)

Registered Postage: $2.50 (the personal touch way)

♡♡♡Thank you♡♡♡